What a week…

Celebrated C’s birthday this week. She’s growing up so fast! Worked on a lot of homework and then mom helped me with my Temple Prep lesson that I was not supposed to give until March 19th but the girl that was supposed to teach today was sick so it was a really big blessing I had a lesson already. But it’s actually funny because in the end the Bishop taught the whole lesson even though I had only asked him to talk for a few minutes. So it all worked out and I’ll give the lesson another time. Took the pill Ashwagandha for a week and it helped my mental health sooo much but then I was terribly bloated and in pain so now I’m off of it but still healing. But I definitely recognized that I started feeling sad and snappy just after one day of not being on it. Trying not to eat gluten to see if that helps with the bloating as well. Got sooo much done on Saturday. Made sure I was signed up for my exam and filled out a form for a student ID. Finished my homework. Signed up for the chalk art festival. Did my finances. I spend too much at target. Cleaned my bathroom and sooo much more. Felt like a robot yesterday.

Made some french toast with gluten free bread, chocolate covered strawberries, honey, walnuts and greek yogurt. Seriously so yummy.

Alice in wonderland vibes.

Just some pics of my room.

Lydia has her baby this week so we held a virtual baby shower with Carrie and Becky. Mom helped come up with the questions. Took a couple of hours.

Not feeling well puppy.

My hair today for church. Hopefully it actually looked like that during my meetings…

After mom and dad left Butter guided me to the door and barked. She saw them packing and leaving through that door and wanted to go with them.

Also made some of Bless this Mess energy balls. Instead of cocoa powder I used protein powder. It’s good but too sweet so eh not my favorite.

Easter decorations.

Outfit for church. Not one boy winked at me. Oh well.

Without the mask.

Work selfie. 



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