I would like to repeat this week. It was perfect.

Happy Easter. This week started with a snow storm and ended with summer. The weather has been perfect. Played outside with my nephew and walks with Kylie and bike rides all week.

The moon was so big this morning.

Easter meal was super delicious.

I got to ride on Saturday and it was so much fun but I’ve forgotten a ton.

Alieshaw made delicious chocolate rolls.

Garden buddy.

Mom has lighter hair. I like it.

Mom made gluten-free pizza. The crust is egg, chicken and something else idk. Very good!

Wake up early to a pretty moon.

Easter bunny came.

Spring has sprung. And hopefully it stays!

Brighton is so cute she likes to go in circles though.

Easter outfit.

Yummy stuff.

Pretty light in the princess room.

Eiger the horse I rode. But he was sold right before this so I probably won’t ride him again.

She glares.

Reading in the garden.

He was pretty great!

I love photography.

Finished puzzle.

She tucked herself in.

So much snow.

Phoebe. She loves neck scratches.

Chief from our walk lol.

Flowers are blooming!

Fish because Christ would have eaten this.

She is obsessed with bike rides.

Poor Frodo.

Pretty light.

Dad and I in church.



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