Friday Evening at Skeldale

Kept forgetting about this week’s blogpost but I finally made time for it. Definitely a rough week with hormones and all. Tears were shed but puppy dog kisses were available almost 24/7 also I had ice cream 4 times so it wasn’t so bad.

Butter always near.

Most delicious unicorn fish.

Good day.

Looked like a 12 year old boy.

Made Britten take my Bereal.

Gorgeous mountains with sunset.

A lovely Saturday with my ward.

Made a scripture story with my fhe and cake.

Lucy is the best.

She looked cozy.

New buddy named fuzzy. It was a rough day.

Merm and ded had there 40th wedding anniversary.

Ready for Valentine’s day thats for sure.

Looked classy.

Pretty light.

Just happy.

With the ward after the temple.


Almost fell asleep during the session but so grateful I got to go.

Coworker got me ice cream.



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