The Skeldale Times

 First Week of 2023. I simply can not wait for the weather to become spring. Sadly that won’t be for another three months. I grow tired of the endless cold days with no sun. 

I started my week with a nice lunch date and then quickly returned to work full time. On Thursday I got to meet up with Aimee for dinner and a wander around The Station. Saturday I was granted the opportunity to watch my sweet nephews. So I showed them what any great Aunt would do… We watched both the Matilda movies. That’s right! A new Matilda film entered our world last year. A musical based off the one I saw in London a few years ago. The kids in the movie have amazing talents. But I think I like the original Matilda movie better. It’s pretty genius.

Mom and I also watched a show about the James Herriot walk. A four day trail dedicated to Mr. Herriot around England. I think I would someday like to walk around day one and day four. Sunday was lovely as I attended a nice Fast and Testimony meeting and a wonderful Relief Society lesson. Then I met up with Katrina for my new calling. I have the same exact responsibility as dad. Temple and Family History Co-Chair. Very excited and nervous.

On Wednesday I started my online class at Ensign. Just an Excel program that I will have zoom meetings on Mondays. However, I had some assignments due during the week. I am conflicted with my emotions.

I finished my first three books of the year. The Magician And His Nephew, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and The Horse And His Boy all by C.S. Lewis. I would like to finish the series over the next month or so… I probably had more time to read but it was a busy week that left me burnt out.

The mountains look like oreos. 

Reading is my favorite time.

The cookie castle and village that was destroyed at the New Year.

Aimee’s dinner.

She thought she was going to get a treat.

She’s only a little bit adorable.

View from my work.

Butter’s got a friend named Maggie.

Nephew made this Harry Potter lego set while I babysat.

The cookies I made for the boys. Not my favorite. They were good but they tasted store bought.

View from work. I’ve never seen the moon here at this time. Very odd.

Aimee’s gifts.

Free dog.

New Matilda film.

A woodland creature.

My meal.

On my way to work. I just love cheetos.

Curtesy to Aimee.

She fit in this tiny box. So cute.

Aimee in Barnes in Noble. She made a really funny joke right before this. I almost peed my pants.

Yummy food.


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