
I forgot about this blog but for a good reason! Haha it’s kinda crazy! I moved across the country! From Utah to Virginia. And I love it! I remember when my sister moved here when I was younger and I came to visit. I remember really liking it and thinking how I would want to live here one day and now I am here! I am so happy. My older sister that used to live in Virginia is now in another state but since my other sister moved here this last summer I thought it was a good time to try something new. The only sad part was that I can’t bring my dog with me. But that’s ok because my parents are so kind and are taking care of her for me! I’ve been here since the last time I made a blog post. I’ve been meaning to make a blog post the last few days but haven’t had the energy to pull it up and start writing. I’ve been taking a lot of photos and posting them on Instagram lately. I’m almost to 500 posts on my photography account. I’ve also spent some time making some videos. I can’t wait...