
I forgot about this blog but for a good reason! Haha it’s kinda crazy! I moved across the country!  From Utah to Virginia. And I love it! I remember when my sister moved here when I was younger and I came to visit. I remember really liking it and thinking how I would want to live here one day and now I am here! I am so happy. My older sister that used to live in Virginia is now in another state but since my other sister moved here this last summer I thought it was a good time to try something new. The only sad part was that I can’t bring my dog with me. But that’s ok because my parents are so kind and are taking care of her for me!

I’ve been here since the last time I made a blog post. I’ve been meaning to make a blog post the last few days but haven’t had the energy to pull it up and start writing. I’ve been taking a lot of photos and posting them on Instagram lately. I’m almost to 500 posts on my photography account. I’ve also spent some time making some videos. I can’t wait to post them to youtube. 

It’s been a really good week. I’ve met a new friend out here so we went out to eat Greek food. It was my first time trying it and it was so good. We went shopping and then today my sister and I also went exploring down town. I also went to a Family History class tonight at my church which was really interesting. I can’t wait to learn more about my ancestors. So many of them came from Germany, Denmark and Sweden!

Here are some photos from the past few weeks! 

Taken by my niece.

For Youtube videos!

Bilbo Hedgie.

I love trees!

We went to the zoo last weekend!

He’s so good with animals!

The cutest dog!



Going to be the background for the videos!

New art!


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