1st blog post of the year...

I’m not going to lie... I completely forgot about this blog after that last post. I was having fun posting but then school and work got really really hard. Nothing crazy in the actual work part but mentally it was hard. I was in a dark place that last month of school and work and I am glad to be done with it.

I hung out with family and friends and did many things during the time of Nov 16th till now so here are some photos to get caught up! btw this is the 10th year I’ve had my blog so lets have some fun! I have a lot of things planned for this next year and can not wait!!!

 Horace sadly passed away but it was good that he moved on because now I am moving and I am not sure what I would have done with him... it was sad though because apparently everybody knew he died but P so he was pretty sad and questioned everybody if it was true. He thought we were teasing him. But my roommates and I buried him behind the BDA... Rest in peace little guy.

 Aimee and I went to the Drapper temple and I drove!!! We may have taken a few wrong turns because we were not paying attention but we did it!

 We also took a wrong turn on the way home but it was the best because we found a ramen place so I tried ramen for the first time and it was so good! We went to the movie Last Christmas and I guessed the ending before I started it! Haha I’m a psychic... well at least the chic part but I loved it and sadly Aimee did not.

 I shot a short film with some classmates for one of my classes and the dog’s name was also Millie.

Aimee and I went on a Sunday walk to the Duck Pond in Provo.

 Aimee and I went to the Payson temple and Aimee drove haha and wow it is beautiful inside and outside!!!

 Mom made the best meal for Thanksgiving! And I made the paper hats hahaha

Jealous Lydia? Muhahahahha

Becky is a witch...

 I spent a few days in Idaho a week before Christmas and it was so nice! Especially since it was during finals week so I didn’t have to be on campus.

A true princess.

Went to Temple Square with mom and dad.

It was beautiful! And we got to participate with the Light the World vending machines! Then we went to visit Matt and Alieshaw’s kids afterwards to babysit! They are the cutest!

I did a few more things this last month of the year but I’m not ready to share those yet! This year is going to be pretty great. I’m excited to do something I actually want to do and to try new things! The one thing on my mind right now is if I should change the theme on the blog. It’s been 10 years and it needs an update from these old birds but it also makes me sad to think to change it. I spent hours choosing the perfect theme and I loved the birds when I found them but I think the blog needs a glow up...


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